The numbers of words are not as important as the impact of words on readers

The sizes of posts, or number of words they contain, are not as important as the impact of words on readers’ thoughts. The quality of one’s vocabulary does not depend on the size of content, or the number of words used; rather, it depends on the effects the words, sentences, and phrases have on readers’ thoughts!

And don’t get it wrong: there’s nothing wrong with creating content that has too many words. On the other hand, the numbers of words are not as valuable as the impact that words have on readers and their thoughts.

Humans don’t think using words; they think by using pictures or images

Words are raw materials for processing thoughts. Whenever words are read, spoken, or assimilated, the mind automatically converts them into pictures or images, which are the things it actually works with best.

Each word, phrase, and sentence creates a different picture. The pictures in the mind vary according to the types of words used to make descriptions.

Whenever we speak or write, we project movies in the minds of listeners or readers, and the words we use to determine how listeners or readers react.

Supposing you tell someone: “I feel sad to inform you that you will continue to fail.” What do you think the person will visualize in their mind? They would see continuous defeat and disappointment because of the word “fail”. On the other hand, if you tell someone the opposite, they will visualize continuous success and accomplishment.

Or, if you tell your friends: “we are going to incur a huge debt”, they will certainly see money disappearing; but if you say: “we are going to make a huge profit”, they will certainly visualize money coming in.

The point is this: the types of words used, and how they are placed, create an impact on listeners and readers. And impactful posts create resonating pictures that linger on in the minds of listeners or readers.

Articles/posts that drive home messages contain words, sentences, and phrases that have been aligned in ways that produce clear mental images which allow free-flowing thoughts without obstruction.

In order to buttress points more clearly, we will use phrases that create different pictures or impressions—either positive or negative. As you read them, ask yourself what picture you see: “What picture do I see?”

1. Negative picture: There’s no need to try again; you will never succeed.

Positive picture: If you failed in the past, keep trying with different approaches; you can still succeed.

2. Negative picture: If you studied mathematics and failed the exam, there’s no need to study it again because you won’t pass.

Positive picture: If you studied mathematics and failed, you can still pass the exam if you study harder.

3. Negative picture: If you go there, you will lose confidence and be preoccupied with fear.

Positive picture: If you always meditate positively before going there, you can still build confidence and conquer all fears.

4. Negative picture: Because you are not well educated, you will never acquire the qualities of a real leader.

Positive picture: Although you are not well educated, if you are good and believe in yourself, you will acquire the type of leadership qualities that the world loves.

5. Negative picture: He always offers the best services, but will never become great.

Positive picture: If he keeps on offering the best services, he will become great.

6. Negative picture: Because nobody ever made it in the past, you will never make it.

Positive picture: Although nobody ever made it in the past, one person’s impossibility is still another person’s possibility; you can still make it.

7. Negative picture: The past is gone; there’s nothing to learn from it.

Positive picture: Although the past is gone, there are motivating insights you can still learn from past experiences.

8. Negative picture: There is no way you can move forward and upward because of your background.

Positive picture: If you are diligent, work hard, and have belief, regardless of your background, you will move forward and upward ever, backward never.

9. Negative picture: No matter how strong your faith is, it will never alter that.

Positive picture: Although it may be difficult to alter that, your faith could still be strong enough to alter any of today’s facts.

10. Negative picture: You are old; your best days are out of reach.

Positive picture: Although you are old, your best days are still ahead of you.


Any time there is an opportunity to create content, articles, or posts, use words, phrases, and sentences in ways that won’t wear peoples’ thinking out, and cut them down.

This doesn’t mean the negative side of life shouldn’t be discussed; it just means that the words shouldn’t be used in ways that will hinder the fluidity of pictures or images, and obstruct peoples’ free flow of thinking. Also, it could be of good service to people if content is written in ways that won’t make people hopeless, and cut them down.

Words and the visualizations they create, can either be dull and boring, or bright and entertaining—and they make people react accordingly.

94 thoughts on “The numbers of words are not as important as the impact of words on readers

    1. thanks, Kamal; especially for the point that there will be negativity, but how we use it could lead to either uplifting effects, or degrading ones…


  1. Goodness gracious! This piece is simply awesome. The art of effective communication lies with using the appropriate words to give life to the intended meaning of each sentence.
    I completely agree with this one. Keep up the good work M’friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great post again. Our words hold the power of life and death therefore, using it wisely (speaking positively, and thinking positively) will do us more good than harm

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I think telling the truthful as I see it has the impact of allowing others to see that I am being genuine. Being truthful, sincere, and genuine seem like the root of how I want to communicate. I never actually know how another person is going to react since so much has to do with their reference frame. I do agree that HOW we communicate allows us to be sincere and genuine.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bryan, thanks alot for your thoughtful comment and perspective… we can’t tell how people will react, but we may be able to put ourselves in a position that would at least pass them information in a way that won’t initiate any process that could hurt them later


      1. I concur, I believe that is the position that is a core principle in communication when it comes to the phrase “Do unto others as you would have done unto you, and expect nothing in return.”

        Liked by 2 people

    1. same with me too, Jim…I prefer people who are tolerating, educative and entertaining, rather than those who are cold, and use a harsh and constantly critical approach…thanks alot for commenting…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post! Words are powerful and can impact the lives of people in a negative or positive way. So we must indeed be careful what we say and how we say it.


    1. … 🖐️Debbie… thanks for your encouraging remark… your teacher gave you valuable advice and wisdom of the ages that many people would wish their teachers or parents give/gave them; unfortunately, for whatever reason, many teachers don’t have that orientation and view…thanks for reading and commenting; have a great day… 💕

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Amen! This applies to spoken words as well as written ones. People don’t remember your exact words as much as how you make them feel. Positivity goes a long way any way you look at it. Thank you for your insightful words.

    Liked by 1 person

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