Types of Lines in Technical Drawing and Their Uses (PDF Free Download)

The types of lines used in technical drawing are perhaps the most important thing in technical drawing practice, especially because they illustrate how shapes and sizes of objects or objects would appear in real life after they have been constructed.

The types of lines used on technical drawings help viewers communicate, understand, and easily pass over important information. A free PDF copy on the following types of lines in technical drawing and their respective uses can be downloaded at the end of this page:

1. Break line

2. Center line (or, long/short-dashed thin line)

3. Chain line

4. Construction line

5. Continuous thick line

6. Continuous thin line

7. Cutting plane line (viewing plane or section line)

8. Dimension line

9. Extension line

10. Freehand break line (or continuous narrow irregular line)

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11. Hatching line (or section line)

12. Hidden line

13. Leader line

14. Long break line (or continuous thin straight line with zigzags)

15. Match line

16. Miter line (inclined projection line)

17. Phantom line

18. Stitch line

19. Symmetry line

20. Visible line

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