Life Isn’t Only About Accomplishments—Some Other Things Are Much More Important!

It is an undeniable fact that your goals, self-improvement, self-discipline, success, long-term goals, and accomplishments at any level are important. But life isn’t only about accomplishments or what you accomplish; a couple of other things such as your well-being or health, relationships with your family and friends, and integrity matter more than your accomplishments and possibly everything else.

Imagine life as a game in which the tip of your five fingers have to rest on the ground at the same time to hold the length of your whole hand while the palm of your hand is suspended above or not touching the ground. The respective names of the five fingers are health, family, work, friends, and integrity.

But life eventually teaches you one day that you can remove the middle finger named “work” and your hand, and with only the tip of the other remaining four fingers resting on the ground, your hand is still as stable as it was when you had the tip of all five fingers resting on the ground. When you try removing the tip of any of the other remaining four fingers (health, family, friends, and integrity), you lose a lot of stability and your hand starts to tire out more quickly.

The thing is that if you drop any one of the four fingers (health, family, friends, and integrity), your hand which is needed to do work and accomplish great deeds, would likely become unstable, wear out, and even become numb. But what’s the the point of self-improvement, self-discipline, success, long-term goals, and accomplishments if you can’t share your life, successes, and general experiences with other people and live a healthy life?

Is it really worth it to be super-rich but, at the same time, develop and have the reputation of a crook in the society? Does it really make sense to gain the whole world but lose your health and integrity during the process?

Concluding words

No matter how much you navigate or how far you go to in life to accomplish your goals, try to find a balance between different important aspects of your life such as health, family, work, friends, and integrity. But prioritize your health, family, friends, and integrity over work and accomplishments which are two faces of the same coin.

You can always work and accomplish your goals without harming the other important aspects of your life, but you cannot always restore your health, relationships with family and friends, and integrity if cheat or dump them because of work or some selfish accomplishments. You cannot always revive your friendships, recover your health, or regain trust if you sacrifice them for too much work or selfish goals—especially if such goals obviously harm the health and livelihood of family and friends.

How often do you harm your health, family, and friends, and make people lose the trust they have in you, just because you want to focus only on work and accomplish something? What do you need to do to work on your goals in ways that can sustain your health and reduce the likelihood of losing your family, friends, relationships, and integrity or trust? Think and act wisely because life isn’t only about accomplishments.

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