Tag Archives: Engineering drawing PDF

21 Rules of Dimensioning in Technical & Engineering Drawings (PDF Available)

The dimensions illustrated on technical and engineering drawings abide by standards or rules of dimensioning by which physical variables are expressed, quantitatively. Dimensions include but may not be limited to: length, height, width, depth, or diameter of a technical or engineering object or structure.

Good technical and engineering drawings must have adequate information that can describe the complete shape or size of each object; for example: the location of circles or holes, the distances between surfaces, the type of material used, the nature of surface finishing, etc.

What is dimensioning?

Dimensioning is the process of following the rules of dimensioning to express the shape and size of engineering objects or features on a drawing by the use of lines, symbols, and figures.

Dimensioning can also be defined as the process of adding data/information about object size to a drawing: it is the process of inscribing or expressing the geometry (length, area, volume, etc.) or spatial shape and alignment of an object or feature through the use of numbers or numerical values.

In other words, dimensioning is the process of indicating dimensions or measurements and their respective magnitudes and directions, and the tolerance required for each on technical and engineering drawings.

In engineering practice, proper dimensioning enables workmen to create engineering objects or structures without having to calculate any sizes.

The importance of unambiguous and accurate dimensioning cannot be overemphasized. There are many cases in which improper dimensioning along with unclear or incorrect dimensions have caused premature structural failure and added considerable and unnecessary expenditure on fabrication of products.


Figure 1: Dimensioning of bearing housing

21 Rules of dimensioning

Technical and engineering drawing standards usually have a series of rules that promote good dimensioning practices. The rules of dimensioning are as follows:

1. Dimensioning should be done in such a way that the dimensions have only one interpretation, and no more.

2. No features of an object or part of an object should be defined by more than one dimension in any direction.

3. The angles indicated on technical and engineering drawings are assumed to be 90 degrees, unless they are specified in other terms; in addition, when no angle is specified, a 90-degree angle is used where center lines and lines displaying features are shown on 2-D drawings at right angles.

4. Only a necessary and minimum number of dimensions should be indicated to define an object, structure, or part on technical and engineering drawings: not more than the necessary dimensions should be used to completely define drawings, and the use of reference dimensions should be minimized on drawings.

5. Dimensions should be placed outside the outline of objects, structures, or views on drawings and there should be a minimum spacing between each object, structure, or view and the dimension or dimensions defining it. It is important to note that the smaller the spacing, the more difficult it will be to read or interpret drawings. A visible gap should be placed between the end of any extension line and the feature it defines or refers to.

6. Dimension lines should be placed on the view that illustrates the features they define. In other words, dimensions should be placed on the view that most clearly describes the feature that is being dimensioned.

7. Dimension and projection lines should be continuous thin lines which are also used to represent leader lines, extension lines, hatching lines for cross sections, reference lines, imaginary lines of intersections, and short center lines.

8. Avoid dimensioning hidden lines because they provide less clarity than visible lines: dimensions should be taken from visible outlines instead of hidden lines.

9. The center line of features or parts should not be used as a dimension line.

10. Any circle should be dimensioned by its diameter, across the circle or by projecting its diameter outside the outline. The dimension of the circle must be preceded by the symbol ϕ which means diameter. Generally, diameters, radii, squares, spotfaces, counterbores, countersinks, and depths should be specified with the appropriate symbol preceding the numerical value. Radius is dimensioned using the dimension line. The symbol R is used to precede the numerical value of the radius.

Download PDF: 21 Rules of Dimensioning in Technical & Engineering Drawings

Dimensioning & 7 Types of Dimensions in Technical Drawing

Types of Technical Drawing Lines and Their Uses

11. The dimension line to illustrate an angle should be a circular arc that has its center on the point about which the angle is orientated. The dimension should be located in such a way that it can be read from the bottom or right-hand side of the drawing.

12. Each feature of a technical or engineering object or structure should be dimensioned only once on a drawing.

13. Dimensioning should not be done on hatched areas, and dimensions should be placed on views or sections that clearly and closely relate to the corresponding features.

14. The same unit of measurement in measurement systems should be used for all dimensions on technical and engineering drawings, especially related drawings. In other words, the same unit should be used for all dimensions.

15. Dimensioning on objects or products should not include or specify manufacturing methods: manufacturing methods should not be specified as part of dimensions, unless no other method of manufacturing is acceptable. It may be important to note that specification of inappropriate manufacturing methods can cause unnecessary expenses and legal proceedings in court.

16. Numerical values should be used to specify dimensions for materials usually manufactured to gauges or code numbers which can be shown in parentheses, following numerical values.

17. Unless specified in other terms, it is assumed that all dimensions apply in a free state condition except for non-rigid parts. Free state condition refers to any distortion that takes place after the forces applied during manufacturing have been removed or ceased to operate. Non-rigid parts are parts that may have dimensional change because of thin wall characteristics.

18. The leader lines for radii and diameters should be radial lines—i.e., lines that relate to, move along, or have the direction of a radius.

19. A zero basic dimension should be used where center planes, axes, or surfaces are illustrated over each other on geometric controls and drawings to establish the relationship between essential features.

20. Unless specified in other terms, it is assumed that all dimensions and tolerances are measured at 20°C (68°F). However, compensation can be made for measurements taken at other temperatures.

21. It is assumed that any coordinate system shown on technical and engineering drawings is right-handed, unless specified in other terms. Each axis of the coordinate system is labelled in the positive direction. Right-handed implies that the coordinate system is in the clockwise direction.

Figure 2a is an example that illustrates incorrect dimensioning or violations of some of the rules of dimensioning in technical and engineering drawings. Figure 2b, on the other hand, illustrates correct dimensioning.


Figure 2a (Incorrect dimensioning) and Figure 2b (Correct dimensioning)

Reasons for the violations of some of the rules of dimensioning in Figures 2a and 2b

1. The dimension in 1 (i.e., 54) should follow the symbol (i.e., ϕ)—i.e., it should be ϕ54, not 54ϕ.

2/3. As much and far as possible, the features shouldn’t be used for dimensioning as extension lines.

4. The extension line should touch the feature instead of only being so close to it.

5. The extension line should project beyond the dimension line.

6. The dimension is not properly indicated as per the aligned system.

7. Hidden lines should intersect without any space.

8. The center line is wrongly represented, as a small dash should be used in place of a dot.

9. The horizontal dimension line should not be divided in that manner just to insert the value of the dimension.

10. The dimension should be placed above the dimension line, not below.

11. The radius symbol should be placed before the dimension, not after.

12. The center lines should cross each other at long dashes.

13. The dimension should be written beside a symbol, not beside an abbreviation.

14. Notes should be written in capital letters if they have a dimension.

15. Elevation is not the correct or appropriate term, as it is not specific.

16. The use of the term ‘‘plan’’ may not be appropriate because it depends on where one is taking a view or making a projection. More appropriate terms may be “view from above”, “view from front”, etc.


When dimensioning to create a properly illustrated object, structure, or feature, place the dimensions in such a way that they can be clearly viewed. If you need to, at a later time you can modify, change, or clean up the appearance of the dimensions to follow standard drawing practices.

Good dimensioning and dimension placement practices such as placing dimensions outside the outline of objects or structures and keeping them at a reasonable distance from one another will make it easier for your drawings or models to be understood or interpreted.

Introduction to Engineering Drawing (PDF Free Download)

This post contains a link to download a free 231-page PDF eBook titled “Introduction to Engineering Drawing” which consists of detailed information on basic and introductory topics in engineering drawing. The eBook defines/explains concepts in very simple terms and will be extremely useful to beginners or novices who are interested in learning engineering drawing.

The eBook which can be downloaded at the end of the post contains detailed information on the following 11 topics and respective subtopics:

1.      History of Engineering Drawing— Page 5

1.1   Individuals and eras that pioneered and shaped engineering drawing— Page 6

1.2    Through the late 1800s and early 1900s— Page 9

2.      Engineering Drawing Tools & Equipment— Page 14

3.      20 Types of Engineering Drawing Lines and Their Uses— Page 31

4.      Lettering, Dimensioning, and Measurement Systems— Page 45

4.1    Types of Lettering — Page 45

4.2    Dimensioning & 7 types of dimensions — Page 56

4.3    Measurement Systems — Page 67

5.      Symbols, Sections, and Abbreviations— Page 72

5.1    519 Basic Conventional Symbols — Page 72

5.2    How to Use Section Lines & Do Sectioning — Page 92

5.3    Abbreviations — Page 104

6.      Circles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, and Regular Polygons— Page 114

6.1    How to Draw Circles — Page 114

6.2    How to Draw Triangles — Page 121

6.3    How to Draw Quadrilaterals — Page 129

6.4    How to Draw Regular Polygons — Page 134

7.      Angles and Tangents— Page 145

7.1    How to Construct Angles — Page 145

7.2    How to Draw Tangents — Page 153

8.      Scales and Tolerances— Page 160

8.1    Definition & Types of Scale — Page 160

8.2    Tolerances — Page 168

9.       Freehand Sketching— Page 175

9.1    What is Freehand Sketching? — Page 175

9.2    Importance/Advantages of Freehand Sketching — Page 176

9.3    Freehand Sketching Tools — Page 178

9.4    Freehand Sketching Techniques for Straight Lines and Curved Lines — Page 179

10.    8 Types of Projection & 13 Types of Engineering Drawing— Page 185

10.1   8 Types of Projection — Page 186

10.2   13 Types of Engineering Drawing — Page 200

11.     Basic Engineering Drawing Exercises— Page 219

11.1    How to Draw a Line Between or Through Two Points — Page 220

11.2    How to Draw Parallel Lines — Page 222

11.3    How to Draw Horizontal Lines — Page 224

11.4    How to Draw Vertical Lines — Page 226

11.5    How to Draw Inclined Lines — Page 227

References— Page 231

Download PDF: Introduction to Engineering Drawing

Engineering Drawing Practice Exercises (PDF): Quadrilaterals & Regular Polygons

Download a free PDF copy of “Engineering Drawing Practice Exercises: Quadrilaterals & Regular Polygons” at the end of the page. The 14-page eBook contains detailed information on the following topics:

(A) Engineering drawing practice exercises for drawing/constructing quadrilaterals

(i) Procedure for drawing/constructing a square and any quadrilateral

(ii) Procedure for drawing/constructing any quadrilateral by using CAD (computer-aided design)

(B) Engineering drawing practice exercises for drawing/constructing regular polygons

(i) Procedure for drawing/constructing a pentagon

(ii) Procedure for drawing/constructing an inscribed hexagon

(iii) Procedure for drawing/constructing an inscribed octagon

(iv) Procedure for drawing/constructing any regular polygon

(v) Procedure for drawing/constructing any regular polygon by using CAD

Download PDF: Engineering Drawing Practice Exercises (Quadrilaterals & Regular Polygons)

Engineering Drawing Exercises for Beginners (PDF): Circles & Triangles

Download a free PDF copy of “Engineering Drawing Exercises for Beginners: Circles & Triangles” at the end of the page. The 13-page eBook contains detailed information on the following topics:

(A) Engineering drawing exercises for drawing/constructing circles

(i) Procedure for drawing/constructing a circle by using a compass

(ii) Procedure for drawing/constructing a circle by using a template

(B) Engineering drawing exercises for drawing/constructing triangles

(i) Procedure for drawing/constructing a triangle, given the lengths of the respective sides and a compass.

(ii) Procedure for drawing/constructing a right-angled triangle, given the hypotenuse and one side.

(iii) Procedure for drawing/constructing an equilateral triangle by using a compass.

(iv) Alternate procedure for drawing/constructing an equilateral triangle by using the 60-degree angle of the 30/60 triangle.

Download PDF: Engineering Drawing Exercises for Beginners (Circles & Triangles)

Types of Scale in Engineering Drawing (PDF Free Download)

Download a free PDF copy of “Types of Scale in Engineering Drawing” at the end of the page. The 11-page eBook contains information on the following topics and subtopics:

1. Definition of a scale in engineering drawing

2. Types of scale in engineering drawing

3. How scales are specified on engineering drawings

4. Advice when choosing a scale for paper drawing

5. Scale in CAD (computer-aided design)

Download PDF: Types of Scale in Engineering Drawing

Sectioning in Engineering Drawing (PDF Free Download)

Download a free PDF copy of “Sectioning in Engineering Drawing” at the end of the page. The 16-page eBook contains detailed information on the following topics:

  • What is a section and sectioning in engineering drawing?
  • Types of section in engineering drawing
  • Four steps for visualizing and creating full section views

Download PDF: Sectioning in Engineering Drawing

Engineering Drawing Symbols (PDF Free Download)

Download a free PDF copy of “Engineering Drawing Symbols” at the end of the page. The 23-page eBook contains different kinds of symbols under the following 11 types or categories of engineering drawing symbols:

  • Material symbols
  • Building symbols
  • Piping symbols
  • Refrigeration symbols
  • Electrical/electronic symbols
  • Dimensioning and tolerancing (GDT) symbols
  • Links/linkage symbols
  • Weld symbols
  • External and internal thread symbols
  • Rivet symbols
  • Topographic map symbols

Download PDF: Engineering Drawing Symbols

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Dimensioning in Engineering Drawing (PDF Free Download)

Download a free PDF copy of “Dimensioning in Engineering Drawing” at the end of the page. The 15-page eBook contains information on the following topics and subtopics:

1. Definition of the terms dimensioning and dimensions in engineering drawing

2. Classification of dimension in engineering drawing

3. Units of dimensions/measurements in engineering drawing

4. Seven types of dimension in engineering drawing

  • Linear dimension
  • Angular dimension
  • Diametral dimension
  • Radial dimension
  • Ordinate (or coordinate) dimension
  • Reference dimension
  • Note dimension or notes

Download PDF: Dimensioning in Engineering Drawing


Engineering Drawing Tools (PDF Free Download)

It is important to know the different types of engineering drawing tools usually employed in creating graphic representations or drawings of the shapes and sizes of engineering objects, parts, or features, or structures.

At the end of the page you can download a free PDF copy that contains information on the following types of engineering drawing tools:

1. Computer-aided design/drafting (CAD)

2. Drawing board

3. Drawing paper/sheet

4. Masking tape (or drafting tape)

5. Drawing set

6. Drawing pencil

7. Sharpener

8. Eraser & erasing shield

9. Dusting brush

10. T-square (or straightedge)

11. Set squares

12. Protractor

13. French curve (or irregular curve)

14. Divider

15. Compass

16. Scales

17. Templates

Download PDF: Engineering Drawing Tools

What is Engineering Drawing? (Free PDF Download Available)

Understanding what engineering drawing is and is not can enhance your creativity in engineering drawing and technical drawing as well. This post provides a detailed explanation that can help you understand what engineering drawing is—and also what it is not or not about: it provides broad definitions of engineering drawing and lists important qualities of a “true engineering drawing”, instead of an artistic one or otherwise. At the end of the post you can download a free PDF copy of this post’s content.

Definitions of engineering drawing: what is engineering drawing?

1. Engineering drawing is a detailed and accurate visual representation of one or more perspectives of an engineering object, structure, shape, idea, or concept through the universal language (i.e., engineering drawing language with instruments or freehand) that employs graphical symbols, scales, page layouts, perspectives, specific dimensions (or units of measurement), visual styles, notation systems, and other components of the codes of practice to illustrate how the engineering object, structure, shape, idea, or concept works or can be constructed. Like the next definition, this one clearly indicates one main thing: the main foundation of any complete engineering drawing is the codes of practice employed in engineering drawings.

Brief History of Engineering Drawing

The Importance of Engineering Drawing

2. Engineering drawing can also be defined as any elaborated and precise handmade or CAD-made 2D and/or 3D graphic presentation of an engineering idea or object that is founded on or produced from the application of projections/perspectives, units of measurement, graphical symbols, scales, and other distinct features that abide by components of the codes of practice employed in the general construction of engineering drawings.

What qualifies a drawing as an engineering drawing: what is engineering about a drawing?

The following qualities automatically qualify a drawing as an engineering drawing: they are also the characteristics or qualities of the 13 different types of engineering drawing:

1. Engineering drawings strictly adhere to general codes of practice, conventions, or regulations—what I call “agreements”—that have adopted the most appropriate and well-structured presentational techniques that conform to specific standards to ensure clarity and prevent information from being misinterpreted. Engineering drawings can be easily distinguished from artistic/visual art drawings due to their distinguished features, notations, title blocks, symbols, different types of lines, and line thicknesses which all strictly adhere to universal codes of practice. Strict adherence to general codes of practice makes it possible for blueprints of various types of engineering drawings to be easily interpreted by different people across the world and quickly developed to completion. 

2. Engineering drawings are precise or accurate, owing to the fact that the objects conveyed on them are represented in actual proportions that can be easily interpreted by the learned (and, to some extent, unlearned) in only one way—only one way—thus keeping preciseness or accuracy intact and carrying everyone along during actual construction. The quality of preciseness or accuracy distinguishes engineering drawings from artistic drawings.

3. Engineering drawing is largely or almost completely multiview—or “more than only one view” in most or all cases (It’s rare or impossible to see a single-view drawing, except maybe for illustration purposes.): the projection of each object is usually displayed from different viewpoints which must all correspond to any adopted scale. 

4. Unlike artistic and abstract drawings which are mainly understood by only their respective creators, engineering drawings are mainly understood by the majority—by everybody who understands the engineering drawing language. This quality enables easy and clear-cut communication between people of different fields, backgrounds, or specialties (architects, designers, engineers, scientists, etc.) clearly distinguishes engineering drawings from artistic drawings.

Free PDF Download: What is Engineering Drawing?

The Importance of Engineering Drawing (PDF Download Available)

It has taken centuries for the methods of engineering drawing to evolve into what we practice today. There are a number of areas where engineering drawing is very important, especially in engineering design processes that require documentation, visualization, and communication, amongst other areas discussed in this post.

The importance of engineering drawing includes but may not be limited to the following (NOTE: A free PDF copy of the importance of engineering drawing is available for download at the end of this post.):

1. Engineering drawing is important in education

Engineering drawing provides engineering and technology students and practicing professionals with knowledge of widely used techniques and standard practices employed worldwide in engineering fields such as mechanical, automotive, electrical, electronics, communication, civil, structural, architectural, aerospace, environmental, etc.

2. Engineering drawing is important in documentation

Apart from being used for effective communication and visualization, research and in other areas, engineering drawing is important for documentation, especially for archival and legal purposes when there is dispute in regard to construction works or the drawing plans they are produced from.

Documentation of drawings is crucial for present and future construction, manufacturing, or production needs, as anyone who comes across engineering drawing documents may benefit from them in one way or another.

3. Engineering drawing is important in visualization

Engineering drawing enhances designers’ ability to visualize (produce mental pictures of things that exist or are yet to exist physically) and develop new and greater ideas and turn them into very useful inventions that can solve so many people’s problems around the world.

Engineering drawing is important because it helps practitioners and professionals gain more inspiration and develop their imagination and skill or ability to solve more advanced technological problems.

Great designers like Leonardo da Vinci and Jules Verne had excellent visualization skills that produced pictures of objects in their minds before producing them in real life. Everything in life—computers, cars, gigantic pyramids, rockets, etc.—initially existed or conceived in the individual minds of the people who eventually constructed or produced them.

4. Engineering drawing is important in communication

Engineering drawing is important because it helps in conveying or communicating ideas from people, especially when it’s done without ambiguity and to such an extent that other people are able to understand or interpret it.

Engineering drawing enhances clear-cut communication and prevents misunderstanding between people associated with any engineering graphic design—like architects, engineers, etc. Clear understanding between parties makes it possible and easier for the same design ideas to be properly communicated, produced, and used in many countries.

5. Engineering drawing is important in manufacturing or production

Engineering drawing is important for shortening the design time/cycle and achieving the highest possible level of efficiency in production or manufacturing industries, helping practitioners to work more productively or efficiently, thereby saving time and reaching set goals.

Engineering drawing helps to identify design flaws during the design process, thereby ensuring safety and structural integrity and preventing failures or problems in the future.

Engineering drawing helps to effectively improve the efficiency of the design, construction, and maintenance planning processes which are very important; any effective planning process that considers various factors, such as environmental factors, social factors, natural factors, etc., would likely save a lot of manpower and time, and also prevent low efficiency and high error rate.

6. Engineering drawing is important to research work/studies

Engineering drawing helps in geometric studies to develop the movement of mechanical linkages, mechanical systematic diagrams, clearances, and general engineering structures; in addition, it helps to create technical information on proper positioning and installation of products or items. Installation drawings may include dimensional data, hardware descriptions, and information regarding general configuration on installation sites where control systems, electrical systems, hydraulic systems, and other types of systems exist.

Engineering drawing is used in intensive research to hasten the development of emerging technologies, discover alternative approaches for creating models, and invent more appropriate designs that could yield better outcomes in terms of product development and innovative design projects. Broadly speaking, engineering drawing helps to develop the spatial, imaginative, and multi-disciplinary research skills of everyone involved in research work.

Download PDF: The Importance of Engineering Drawing

Types of Lines in Engineering Drawing (PDF Free Download)

The types of lines in engineering drawing are fundamental and perhaps the most important thing in engineering drawing practice, especially as they illustrate how shapes and sizes of objects would appear in real life after they are constructed. The types of lines help to communicate, understand, and convey important messages that abide by engineering drawing standards.

A free PDF copy of the following types of lines in engineering drawing and their respective uses can be downloaded at the end of this page:

1. Break line

2. Center line (or, long/short-dashed thin line)

3. Chain line

4. Construction line

5. Continuous thick line

6. Continuous thin line

7. Cutting plane line (viewing plane or section line)

8. Dimension line

9. Extension line

10. Freehand break line (or continuous narrow irregular line)

11. Hatching lines (or section line)

12. Hidden line

13. Leader line

14. Long break line (or continuous thin straight line with zigzags)

15. Match line

16. Miter line (inclined projection line)

17. Phantom line

18. Stitch line

19. Symmetry line

20. Visible line

Download PDF: Types of Lines in Engineering Drawing

History of Engineering Drawing (PDF Download Available)

It may be right to say that engineering drawing evolved out of drawing which is believed to be as old as humanity itself. Mankind’s ability to draw helped him develop the first written language—ancient writing—which did not use words as we use them today.

Animal and human shapes during prehistoric times were expressed via drawings and paintings (a.k.a. pictograms) and carvings (a.k.a. petroglyphs). A pictogram is a graphic character or symbol used in picture writing to represent an idea or a word; a petroglyph, on the other hand, is any carving or drawing that is made on a rock.

It may be important to note that although pictograms and petroglyphs are not engineering drawings, they are still forms of graphic communication that to a great extent served the same purpose as modern-day engineering drawings do.

(NOTE: The free eBook/PDF document on the contents of this article is available for free download at the end of the article.)

In the distant past, the meanings of different ideas were often expressed through drawings—somewhat pictures—or “picture” languages; for instance, the drawings done by primitive people survive to this day and can still be seen carved on the ancient walls of caves and rocks; they were used for communication in societies that were predominantly hunting animals and gathering food back in the day.

Evidence and records prove that as far back as 12,000 B.C., drawings were engraved on ancient caves and walls—evidence of the mentality and experiences of humans during prehistoric times when stone/ flint was used to carve “picture messages” on granite rocks.

As humanity was becoming more civilized, drawing continued to advance into the engineering drawing form which helped in the planning and construction stages of bridges, structures, roads, and cities.

The individuals and eras that pioneered and shaped engineering drawing

Most pioneers of engineering drawings were inventors and artists. Each of them deserves a place in the history or annals of engineering drawing because of their immense wisdom, talent, vision, innovative ideas, and input in engineering drawing which is widely applied in many fields: transport, manufacturing, agriculture, mining, etc.

The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries witnessed the earliest forms of engineering drawings which were graphic representations of buildings and machines. In their much simple form, they were actually pictorial sketches that had enough details and descriptions to help knowledgeable or experienced workers fabricate and build objects or products from start to finish.

Leonardo da Vinci

Some of the earliest engineering drawings were created by Leonardo da Vinci who is well known for being a mapmaker, having designed the glider and crossbow, and painting The Last Supper and Mona Lisa in 1498 and 1507, respectively.

Leonardo used his self-taught mapmaking skills to create a map of the town plan of Imola, Italy, in 1502; he was appointed as the chief military engineer and architect because of his talent for mapmaking. It can be argued that his mapmaking work was more artistic than engineering drawing, but this still doesn’t erase the fact that it (i.e., his mapmaking work) would always be mentioned in the history of engineering drawing.

During Leonardo’s days, drawings were not expressed in the form of the types of engineering drawings widely used today, as they were somewhat pictorial and usually didn’t have dimensions.

Leon Battista Alberti

Leon Battista Alberti was the spot-on person who proposed that drawings should use multiple views rather than the pictorial drawings that were popular at the time. He wrote about various topics spanning over different subjects, including engineering, architecture, philosophy of beauty, and town planning. His insights on the importance of integrating more geometry into drawings were reflected in his 1435 and 1436 writings.

René Descartes

Mathematician and philosopher René Descartes invented the popular Cartesian coordinate system, constituted or composed analytic geometry, and was behind the development of descriptive geometry which exerted a great influence on the use of multiview 2D drawings around the early half of the seventeenth century. As we all know, the Cartesian coordinate system is the foundation for establishing important points that are widely used today in computer-aided design and graphics (CADD).

Gaspard Monge

Gaspard Monge also made great strides in his own personal research in the development of descriptive geometry during the late part of the eighteenth century, about a hundred years after René Descartes’ passing in 1650. In addition to employing his self-taught methods and self-designed instruments to create a large plan of a town, he also introduced the idea of inclining two planes of projection at 90° or right angles to each other.

Through the late 1800s and early 1900s

Most of the designs used during the 1800s were hand sketches of objects or products that were meant to be built later, and manufacturers created products or parts from hand drawings or sketches that were made on blackboards. Workers produced wooden types of models from which real patterns or objects were constructed. This practice was widely used in some companies, and it even continued well into the twentieth century. Henry Ford is one example of such companies; his blackboards were very famous back then.

Coleman Sellers

Coleman Sellers used blackboards to create life-size drawings of parts for manufacturing fire engines. Coleman’s son, George Sellers, was once involved in the production of satisfactory sketches or drawings: George would lie on his own belly and use his arms as radius for curves of products, while his father (Coleman Sellers) would stand over him and alter the position of his arms, and would only stop when he was satisfied with a particular radius or arm posture.

The Industrial Revolution age

The beneficial Industrial Revolution between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought major changes in many fields. But at a point, practitioners started sensing the need for interchangeability in manufactured products. 

Interchangeability was gradually developed and used in manufacturing during the eighteenth century, and it enabled new products to be easily assembled and existing products to be easily repaired, thus generally minimizing the amount of time required to assemble and repair products.

But, prior to the times of interchangeability—i.e., prior to the Industrial Revolution age—it wasn’t necessary to produce or use accurate drawings; the engineering drawings of The Industrial Revolution age—regarded as “early engineering drawings”—were usually artworks and mostly created with ink.

During that era, drafters would draw using a pencil, triangles, French (irregular) curves, T-square, scales, and drawing equipment such as divider and compass.  As years rolled by during The Industrial Revolution, other devices and templates were invented, and these empowered drafters to create consistent quality lettering, even though most master drafters preferred to go the old/previous way of creating high-quality freehand lettering.

The arrival of the drafting machine ushered in a lot of advancements in drafting, and it replaced the protractor, triangles, T-square, and scales which were commonly used to create drawings. Drafters in architecture used a device known as a parallel bar to draw horizontal lines, while triangles were used on the parallel bar to construct vertical and angled or inclined lines.

In the decades after World War II, suppliers of drafting equipment innovated various materials to step up the productiveness of the general drafting process. As interchangeability was gaining the upper hand and engineering drawings were evolving, drafters sensed that it would be important to duplicate and preserve original drawings. 

The blueprint process was developed to easily reproduce and distribute drawings to builders, engineers, architects, and manufacturers. As the reproduction of drawing continued to evolve, the diazo process replaced the blueprint process.

The CADD age

CADD (computer-aided design and drafting) ran riot during the 1980s and 1990s when it rapidly went from an emerging technology to one that was taken very seriously, owing to its many-sided advantages. The creators of CADD software had succeeded in designing it with features that endeared it to the practitioners of engineering drawings.

However, many drafters who had become accustomed to manual drafting found it challenging to create drawings via computer. But soon in the 1980s, some schools started using CADD to teach drafting alongside traditional manual drafting programs; this motivated traditional manual drafters to learn and develop their CADD knowledge and skills.

On the other hand, those in the industry were also taking CADD seriously, and by the 1990s, many companies and schools completely transitioned to CADD and replaced their manual drafting tables with CADD workstations. As it stands today, CADD is used for almost all types of engineering design and drafting.

Download PDF: History of Engineering Drawing

13 Types of Engineering Drawing (Free PDF Download Available)

Today’s engineering products and projects originate from engineering drawings that are produced from any of the two main types of projection: parallel projection and perspective projection.

Parallel projection is of two types: orthographic projection and oblique projection; orthographic projection is of two types: multi-view projection and axonometric projection. On the other hand, perspective projection is also of two types: aerial perspective projection and linear perspective projection.

(NOTE: The free eBook/PDF document on the contents of this article is available for free download at the end of the article.)

In engineering practice, the two main types of projection (parallel and perspective) are used respectively via six subtypes (orthographic projection, oblique projection, multi-view projection, axonometric projection, aerial perspective projection, and linear perspective projection) when producing the 13 types of engineering drawing that have been defined a bit later towards the end of this article.

But before we list and define each of the 13 types of engineering drawing, it’s important to keep the following ten points/definitions in mind because they are crucial to clearly understanding the 13 types of engineering drawing: 

  • You have to make a projection (either parallel or perspective) and subtype of projection (orthographic, oblique, multi-view, axonometric, aerial perspective, or linear perspective) to produce any of the 13 different types of engineering drawing views.
  • Parallel projection and its subtypes can be used to produce nine different types of engineering drawing, while perspective projection and its subtypes can be used to produce four other different types of engineering drawing; the total types and subtypes of projection result in 13 types of engineering drawing.

Figure 1: 13 types of engineering drawing (yellow rectangles)

  • Parallel projection is the type of projection in which projectors (also known as “lines of sight” or “imaginary lines”) are projected from a position (the eye of a viewer, or something) in such a way that they are parallel to each other and at the same time perpendicular to the planes of the object(s) they are projected upon. The projectors or lines of sight are projected to touch very important points on various planes of any object which an engineering drawing can be produced for. There are two types of parallel projection: orthographic projection and oblique projection; orthographic projection can be expressed either as multiview (or multiview projection which displays as many important views as necessary) and axonometric projection (which can display a single important axonometric view). It is important to note that parallel and perspective projections are a means to an end which is any of the individual 13 engineering drawings. This implies that parallel and perspective projections are not engineering drawings in the actual sense. Parallel and perspective projections (sometimes called drawings—maybe wrongly) are more of a mental projection, rather than a drawing or final engineering drawing. One may not be wrong to say that they are mainly drawn on paper or in books for teaching or illustration purposes on how to project or create the 13 types of engineering drawing. (This ideology may be contrary to what has been stated in many books, but nevertheless, it holds a lot of weight that could be open to serious debate!) Therefore, it may not be wrong to say that parallel and perspective projections along with their collective subtypes (orthographic, oblique, multi-view, axonometric, aerial perspective, and linear perspective) are only projections—not drawings; they are only the means to an end, while the 13 types of engineering drawing listed and defined further below are the end itself.

Figure 2: Lines of sight in parallel and perspective projections, respectively

  • Orthographic projection is a type of parallel projection in which projectors are projected perpendicularly (in a perpendicular direction) on the major planes of a 3-D object, and the corresponding 2-D (2-dimensional) representations of the object are drawn on media such as paper and computer screen. 

Figure 3: Orthographic projections of objects (Image credits: Google.com and Dreamcivil.com.)

  • Multi-view projection is actually a projection of many orthographic projections or views all on one place or media such as paper or computer screen: in multi-view projection, the parallel projectors are directed perpendicularly to the major planes or important parts of an object such as the top, front, and side views (and may include other important sides) of an object which are all drawn or represented in 2-D. Multi-view projection is used in creating the first-angle, second-angle, third-angle, and fourth-angle types of engineering drawing, depending on the quadrant (either first—for first-angle, second—second-angle, third—third-angle, or fourth quadrant—for fourth-angle) in which the object is placed for the parallel projectors or observer’s eyesight to make a perpendicular projection on before drawing the individual projected planes.

Figure 4: Quadrants used during multi-view projection to produce first-, second-, third-, and fourth-angle projections, respectively (Image credit: Google.com.)

Figure 5: Multiview (3 major views) for 3 orthographic projections

Figure 6: Multi-view (6 major views) for 6 orthographic projections

  • Axonometric projection is another but different expression of orthographic projection, well suited for illustration purposes: parallel projectors are directed perpendicularly towards any plane of a 3-D object that is tipped or rotated about one or more of its major axes (x, y, and z) to show different sides (top, side, and front views), and the projection is usually expressed in a single view with some foreshortened dimensions that are easy to visualize. Axonometric projection is used in producing three different types of engineering drawing: isometric, dimetric, and trimetric drawing, respectively.

Figure 7: Axonometric projection and view of an object (Image credit: Peachpit.com.)

  • Oblique projection is another type of parallel projection (the other is orthographic) in which the projectors are parallel to each other but not perpendicular to any planes of the 3-D object they are projected on, and one of the three planes of the object is projected at either 30°, 45°, or 60° to the x- Angle 45° is used in most oblique projections. The parallel projectors are not projected perpendicularly on any 3-D object’s plane; this would result in an engineering drawing that has true shapes and sizes on only one or two planes/faces. Oblique projection is used in creating two types of engineering drawing: cavalier drawing and cabinet drawing, respectively.

Figure 8: Oblique projection of objects (Image credit: Slideplayer.com.)

  • Perspective projection is the type of projection in which the parallel projectors or lines of sight originate from the same point (called “point of convergence”) and increasingly diverge away the more they approach an object’s plane of projection; the projectors converge or come together at a fixed point(s) (called vanishing or convergence point(s)), away from the object’s plane of projection—illustrated by the shape of a cone, thereby making objects appear smaller the more their distance increases away from an observer. There are two types of perspective projection: aerial perspective projection and linear perspective projection, respectively. Perspective projection is sometimes called perspective view or perspective drawing or simply perspective.

Figure 9: Difference in the orientation of projectors in perspective and parallel projections, respectively

Figure 10: Center of projection (viewpoint, vanishing point, or convergence point) in perspective projection (Image credits: Art-Design-Glossary and Google.com.)

  • Aerial perspective projection (a.k.a. atmospheric perspective) is the type of perspective projection in which the projectors diverge away from their point of convergence (or vanishing point) unto the planes of projection, and colors, tones, and atmospheric effects are used to give the object its shape—a shape that would appear smaller the more the object’s distance increases away from the observer or vanishing point. The use of colors and tones usually creates the illusion of depth on a 2-D surface such as paper or computer screen. Aerial perspective projection is used in producing aerial drawing which is one type of engineering drawing:

Figure 11: Aerial perspective projection of an area (Image credits: GenesisStudios and YouTube.)

  • Linear perspective projection (often referred to as “geometric perspective”) is the type of perspective projection in which a set of construction rules are employed in such a way that the projectors or imaginary lines of projection converge/meet at one or more vanishing point(s) and give the illusion of a depth that is not real. Linear perspective projection is used in creating three types of engineering drawing: one-point, two-point, and three-point drawing, respectively.

Figure 12: Linear perspective projection of some cubes (Image credits: Dreamstime.com and Pinterest.com.)

With the above important points/definitions in mind, we now define the following 13 types of engineering drawing:

1. First-angle drawing

First-angle drawing is the type of engineering drawing that contains multi/multiple (i.e., at least 3) 2-dimensional projections or multi-view produced from the resulting parallel projections that are perpendicular (orthographic projection) to different/multiple planes of projection of an object; after making projections on the planes of an object in the first quadrant, the projection of the front view (F)—which is one of the planes of the object—is drawn on the middle area of a medium (paper, computer screen, etc.) along with the right side view (R) of the object which is drawn on the left side of the front view, while the left side view (L) of the object is drawn on the right side of the front view, and the top view (T) or plan of the object is drawn alone/by itself beneath the front view. In some other cases, the bottom view (B) of the object is included/drawn on top of (but spaced a bit away from) the front view, and the rear view (R) of the object is included/drawn on either the right side of the left view or left side of the right view. First-angle drawing is also known as the European/international system of projection or engineering drawing.

Figure 13: First-angle drawings of different objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

2. Second-angle drawing

Second-angle drawing is similar to first-, third-, and fourth-angle drawings, in that they also contain multi/multiple (i.e., at least 3) 2-dimensional projections or multi-view produced from the resulting parallel projections that are perpendicular (orthographic projection) to different/multiple planes of projection of an object; however, when making projections on different planes of an object in the second quadrant where the view is rotated downwards, it would be discovered that the resulting top view and front view overlap each other, usually causing confusion in the drawing. The same happens in fourth-angle drawing where the top view and front view also overlap. But this overlap does not happen in first-angle and third-angle drawings, respectively. Therefore, first-angle and third-angle drawings are far more popular than second-angle and fourth-angle drawings which are not popular.

3. Third-angle drawing

In many cases (involving at least three 2-D projections: projections on three planes of an object), after projections are made on the planes of an object in the third quadrant, the projection of the top view (T) or plan of the object—which is one of the planes of an object—is drawn alone/by itself on the middle of a medium (paper, computer screen, etc.), while the front view (F) of the object is drawn beneath the top view, and the right side view (R) of the object is drawn on the right side of the front view; if four 2-D projections are made instead of three, then the extra 2-D projection would represent the left side view (L) of the object, usually drawn on the left side of the front view. Third-angle drawing is also known as “the American system” of projection or engineering drawing.

Figure 14: Third-angle drawings of objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

4. Fourth-angle drawing

In fourth-angle drawing, projections are made on different planes of an object placed in the fourth quadrant (where the view is now opposite the direction it was in second-angle drawing), but the resulting top view and front view overlap each other, similar to second-angle projection. The top view and front view overlap in both second- and fourth-angle drawings, respectively. As earlier stated, this is the reason why second- and fourth-angle drawings are unpopular and not even used in engineering circles; first-angle and third-angle drawings, on the other hand, are widely used.

5. Isometric drawing

Isometric drawing is the type of engineering drawing that is produced from the resulting parallel projectors that are projected perpendicularly on the planes of any 3-D object that is tipped or rotated about one of its own major axes (x, y, and z). Isometric drawings are drawn in such a way that an object’s axes are inclined to each other by 120°—i.e., the angle between each axis is the same; furthermore, 2 of the 3 axes are at either 30°, 45°, or 60° to the imaginary x-axis on any 2-D medium.

Figure 15: Isometric drawings of different objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

Figure 16: Isometric drawing in comparison with dimetric and trimetric drawings of an object

6. Dimetric drawing

Dimetric drawing is similar to isometric and trimetric drawings, in that, it is also the type of engineering drawing that is produced from the resulting parallel projectors that are projected perpendicularly on the planes of a 3-D object that is tipped or rotated about one of its major axes (x, y, and z). However, unlike in isometric drawing, only two faces of the object are equally inclined to the plane of projection—i.e., only 2 angles between any 2 major axes are unequal. Generally, two different angles are required to construct 2 planes of objects in dimetric projections.

Figure 17: Dimetric drawing of an object (Image credit: Google.com.)

7. Trimetric drawing

In trimetric drawing, the three major axes of an object are inclined to each other by three different angles, respectively: three different angles are required to construct 3 planes of any objects, and the 3 angles between the 3 major axes are unequal.

Figure 18: Trimetric drawing of an object (Image credit: Xamou-Art.com.)

8. Cavalier drawing

Cavalier drawing is the type of engineering drawing that is produced from the resulting parallel projectors that are not projected perpendicularly on the planes of any 3-D object that has one of its three planes projected at either 30°, 45°, or 60° to the x-axis; but all the dimensions (width, breadth, and height) of the 3-D object are all drawn to full scale.

Figure 19: Cavalier drawing of different objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

9. Cabinet drawing

Cabinet drawing is similar to cabinet drawing, in that, it is also the type of engineering drawing that is produced from the resulting parallel projectors that are not projected perpendicularly on the planes of any 3-D object that has one of its three planes projected at either 30°, 45°, or 60° to the x-axis; however, unlike cavalier drawing, the width or breadth (whichever you designate to a particular dimension) is only drawn to half scale instead of full scale; but the height is drawn to full scale just as is applicable to cavalier drawing.

Figure 20: Cabinet drawings of different objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

10. Aerial drawing

Aerial drawing is the type of engineering drawing that is produced from aerial perspective projection in which the projectors diverge away from their point of convergence (or vanishing point) unto the planes of projection, then and colors, tones, and atmospheric effects are used to give the object its shape—a shape that would appear smaller the more the object’s distance increases away from the observer or vanishing point.

Figure 21: Aerial drawing of a building and environment (Image credit: Google.com.)

11. One-point drawing

One-point drawing is the type of engineering drawing that is produced from linear perspective projection in which a set of construction rules are used to ensure that the projectors diverge away from their point of convergence (or vanishing point) as they approach an object’s plane of projection; but the same projectors (or imaginary lines) converge/meet at only one vanishing point. As a result, one-point drawings consist of only one vanishing point.

Figure 22: One-point drawings of different objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

12. Two-point drawing

Two-point drawing is similar to one-point and three-point drawings, in that, it is also the type of engineering drawing that is produced from linear perspective projection in which a set of construction rules are used to ensure that the projectors diverge away from their point of convergence (or vanishing point) as they approach an object’s plane of projection; however, the projectors (or imaginary lines) converge/meet at two different vanishing points. As a result, two-point drawings consist of two vanishing points.

Figure 23: Two-point drawings of different objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

13. Three-point drawing

In three-point drawing, the projectors (or imaginary lines) converge/meet at three different vanishing points. As a result, three-point drawings consist of three vanishing points.

Figure 24: Three-point drawings of different objects (Image credit: Google.com.)

Download PDF: 13 Types of Engineering Drawing

Orthographic Drawing: Definition, Types, Views, Tutorial & Practice (PDF Download Available)

This article defines orthographic drawing (drafting or projection) and uses 21 images to illustrate the meaning and types of orthographic drawing. The eBook/technical drawing PDF document for this article is available for free download at the end of the article. Generally, both the article and eBook elaborate on the following:

  • Definition of orthographic drawing
  • Types of orthographic drawing
    • First angle projection
    • Third angle projection
  • Orthographic drawing views
  • Orthographic drawing tutorial & practice
    • Tools required for orthographic drawing practice
    • General procedure
    • Applications of orthographic drawing practice
    • Orthographic drawing shapes/objects for practice
  • Conclusion

You can click a link at the end of this article, and download a free eBook which contains all the content in this article.

1. Definition of orthographic drawing

Orthographic drawing, which is one of the three types of parallel projections (orthographic, oblique, and axonometric), can be defined as a type of technical drawing in which 3-dimensional (3D) objects are represented in 2 dimensions (2D) by projecting planes (consisting of 2 major axes) of objects so that they are parallel with the plane of the media (paper, or computer) they are projected upon.

The two major types of orthographic drawing use two-dimensional views (obtained from different directions or lines of sight) to represent different parts of three-dimensional objects, or planes of objects viewed from/along different axes—typically, the x, y, and z axes.

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Generally, the best way to fully express all of the most important visible parts of any 3D object in 2D views—in either first angle orthographic projection or third angle orthographic projection—is by using a maximum number of views, which in most cases is six.

However, in practice most people or organizations use three or four views to illustrate how shapes and sizes of various parts of an object look. Generally speaking, the number of views used in an orthographic drawing or projection depends on the purpose and objective of a drawing.

2. Types of orthographic drawing

Orthographic drawing (also known as orthographic projection) consists of two types: first angle projection, and third angle projection.

First angle projection

In first angle projection, which is popularly practiced in Europe, whenever six views are used to illustrate how the sides of a 3D object look from six directions (as shown in Figure 1 below), they are usually arranged in the following manner (as shown in Figure 2 below):

  • The bottom view E is placed at the top of the paper or computer screen.
  • The front view A is placed beneath the bottom view E.
  • The top view D is placed beneath front view A (i.e., at the bottom of the paper or computer screen.
  • The right view C is placed on the left side of front view A.
  • The left view B is placed on the right side of front view A.
  • The back/rear view F (which is not shown in Figure 2) is usually placed at the extreme left or right—whichever position is convenient.

Figure 1_six directions for six views

Figure 1: Six directions for six views. (Image Credit: Simmons, C. H. and Maguire, D. E. (2004). Manual of Engineering Drawing: p. 33.)


Figure 2: Five views of first angle projection; the sixth view F would depend on the shape of the back/rear view of the object. (Image Credit: Simmons, C. H. and Maguire, D. E. (2004). Manual of Engineering Drawing: p. 34.)

Whenever four views are used, the front view is usually placed at the top of a medium (paper, computer screen, etc.) along with the right side view which is placed at the left side of the front view, while the left side view is placed at the right side of the front view, and the top view (T) is placed alone beneath the front view.

It has to be noted that in many first angle orthographic drawing practices, three views could be sufficient enough to describe the shapes and dimensions of the most important sides of an object which actually exist in 3D as shown in Figure 3 below:

Figure 3_A three dimensional object with 7 visible edges

Figure 3: A three dimensional object with 7 visible edges (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G)

Third Angle Projection

In third angle projection, which is mostly practiced in North America, whenever six views are used to describe the sides of a 3D object from six different directions (as shown in Figure 1 above), they are usually arranged in the following manner (as shown in Figure 4 below):

  • The top view D is placed at the top of the paper or computer screen.
  • The front view A is placed beneath the top view D.
  • The bottom view E is placed beneath front view A (i.e., at the bottom of the paper or computer screen).
  • The right view C is placed on the right side of front view A.
  • The left view B is placed on the left side of front view A.
  • The back/rear view F (which is not shown in Figure 2) is usually placed at the extreme left or right—whichever position is convenient.

Figure 4_five views of 3rd angle ; a sixth View F would depend on shape of object

Figure 4: Five views of third angle projection; the sixth view F would depend on the shape of the back/rear view of the object. (Image Credit: Simmons, C. H. and Maguire, D. E. (2004). Manual of Engineering Drawing: p. 34.)

Whenever four views are used, the top view is usually placed alone at the top of a medium (paper, computer screen, etc.), while the front view is placed beneath the top view, and the right side view is placed at the right side of the front view, while the left side view is placed at the left side of the front view. (Note that third angle projection is the most popular type of orthographic drawing or projection.)

Generally speaking, the difference between first angle projection and third angle projection depends on where each view is placed on paper or computer screen according to the universally accepted requirements of the two main types of orthographic drawing/projection.

3. Orthographic drawing views

There is no general rule per se, but the best or most recommendable way to fully express the most important visible planes/parts of any 3D object in 2D views, is by using as many views as possible: probably between three and six views.

Unlike in Figure 1 above, whenever six views are used, different directions (lines of sight projected on the sides of an object) can be chosen to illustrate the top, bottom, front, rear/back, left and right views, respectively, as can be seen in Figure 5 below:

Figure 5_six different directions and views

Figure 5: Six different directions (lines of sight) for six views. (Image credit: Google.)

The third angle projection of Figure 5 is shown in Figure 6 below:

Figure 6_third angle projection of object in Figure 5

Figure 6: Third angle projection of object in Figure 5. (Image credit: Google.)

The orthographic drawings or projections of other objects/shapes can be viewed in Figures 7, 8, and 9 below:

Figure 7_first angle projection of an object

Figure 7: First angle projection of an object: (Image credit: Google.)

Figure 8_Projection of object

Figure 8: Projection of an object. (Image credit: Google.)

Figure 9_Third angle projection of an that has dimensions in millimeters

Figure 9: Third angle projection of an object that has dimensions in millimeters. (Image credit: Google.)

Always remember that in many orthographic drawing practices across the world, the number of views chosen or used, usually depends on the number of views required or needed.

4. Orthographic Drawing Tutorial & Practice

Tools required for orthographic drawing practice

With regular drawing practice, it is very easy to learn and perfect orthographic drawing skills. The tools usually required for practicing orthographic drawing are quite the same as the ones specified in technical and engineering drawing, respectively. Generally, the tools include:

  • Drawing board.
  • Drawing paper: either Ao, A1, A2, A3, and A4.
  • Drawing pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • 30°×60° and 45°×45° set squares.
  • 300 mm (30 cm) ruler.
  • T-square.
  • Drawing compasses

Figure 10_Drawing board and drawing paperFigure 10: Drawing board and drawing paper

Figure 11 Complete set of drawing board, paper, set square, tsquare

Figure 11: A set consisting of a drawing board, drawing paper, tape/clips, set square for drawing vertical lines, and T-square for drawing horizontal lines. (Image Credit: The Hong Kong Polytechnic. (N.D). Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing & CAD: Engineering Drawing Lesson 1: p. 10.)

Figure 12_45 x 45 and 30 x 60 set squares

Figure 12: 45°×45° (bigger: on the left), and 30°×60° (smaller: on the right) set-squares

Figure 13_T squareFigure 13: T-square

Figure 14_Drawing compassesFigure 14: Drawing compasses (for drawing circular and elliptical shapes)

T-squares and set squares must be aligned perfectly on the pure/true x and y axes, respectively, before perfect vertical or horizontal lines can be produced. It will be difficult to produce good orthographic drawings without drawing or projecting perfect vertical and horizontal lines.

General Procedure

Generally, when projecting sides or different views of 3D objects in 2D, a certain degree of concentration will be needed to ensure that shapes, sizes or dimensions are consistent and accurate. The following are recommended when making orthographic projections:

  • Estimate the area of paper that would be enough to draw all necessary and important views. In addition, determine an appropriate scale for your drawings. A scale is any ratio (examples: 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000, etc.) of the size of an object on paper, to the actual size of the same object in real life. Common scales for “enlargement of objects” include: 3:1, 6:1, 10:1, etc. On the other hand, common scales for “reduction of objects” include: 1:3, 1:6, 1:10, etc.
  • Put equal distances (which should also be considered in the total area that would be enough to accommodate all views) between views; vertically (for the top, front, and bottom views), and horizontally (for the left, right, and back/rear views).
  • When drawing any view—whether square-, rectangular-, or circular-shaped—mark the center lines of each shape and the center/centroid of each shape. Center lines are very important, not just because they are center lines, but because they serve many other purposes, one of them being that they help in establishing other points and lines in drawings.
  • Draw the top view, and project the most visible and important lines into the front view, or vice versa.
  • After drawing the front view, the right and left side views can be projected and drawn. In addition, the bottom and back/rear view can be also be constructed if required.

Figure 15_Top view of an object drawn on drawing paper

Figure 15: Top view of an object drawn on drawing paper

As an example, in order to draw perfectly straight vertical and horizontal lines for the two dimensional (2D) top view ABCD of a 3D object on paper (as shown in Figure 15 above), the following steps should be taken:

  • Points and A and B should be the same distance away from the top border line on the drawing paper.
  • Points and C and D should be the same distance away from the bottom border line on the paper.
  • Points and A and C should be the same distance away from the left border line on the paper.
  • Points and B and D should be the same distance away from the right border line on the paper.

Applications of orthographic drawing practice

Orthographic drawings have many applications scattered across various fields that require planning and designing such as architecture, construction, design, engineering, environment, estate management, manufacturing, surveying, etc.

Orthographic drawings are usually produced according to precision and requirements. It is possible for an orthographic drawing that has been produced in one country, to be used to manufacture an object in another country.

Orthographic drawing shapes/objects for practice

Like we said earlier: “practice makes perfect”. In order to strengthen your orthographic drawing skills, you may practice how to draw the views of the following objects:

Figure 16_Third angle projection of object with six views

Figure 16: Third angle projection of object with six views. (Image credit: The Hong Kong Polytechnic. (N.D). Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing & CAD: Engineering Drawing Lesson 1: p. 32.)

Figure 17_3 commonly practiced orthographic views

Figure 17: Three commonly practiced orthographic views. (Image credit: The Hong Kong Polytechnic. (N.D). Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing & CAD: Engineering Drawing Lesson 1: p. 33.)

The three main 2D views, and six general 2D views of an L-shaped object can be seen in Figures 18 and 19, respectively.

Figure 18_three popular views

Figure 18: Three popular 2D views. (Image credit: Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya. (N.D.). Orthographic Projections (ME 111): p. 13.)

Figure 19_Six views of the object in Figure 18 above

Figure 19: Six views of the object shown in Figure 18 above. (Image credit: Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya. (N.D.). Orthographic Projections (ME 111): p. 15.)

The use of colors makes it easier to understand, locate, and draw 2D views of 3D objects. With the aid of colors on objects, you can study and practice how to draw Figures 20 and 21, respectively:

Figure 20_The use of colors in orthographic projection

Figure 20: The use of colors in orthographic projection. (Image credit: Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya. (N.D.). Orthographic Projections (ME 111):p. 36.)

Figure 21_Three orthographic third angle projection views with colors

Figure 21: Three orthographic third angle projection views with colors. (Image credit: Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya. (N.D.). Orthographic Projections (ME 111):p. 36.)

Concluding remarks

Anyone who wishes to succeed at orthographic drawing or projection must practice consistently; there is no other easy or painless way out. The more one practices, the more proficient they will become in drawing and developing newer, sharper and more efficient ways to draw. Always remember that practice makes perfect; therefore, always practice.

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13 Types of Engineering Drawing

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